Monday, January 25, 2010

Reflective task for the New Year-- 2010

As we continue into the new year of 2010, it is important to reevaluate your interests, values, leadership abilities – to take an introspective look at where we are in our professional and personal lives..

There are various sites that can help us in this reflective task. . Some of these are free and others are not.

Here is one for online assessment and testing. This one looks at transformational, transactional, and people management competencies.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Listening and Holistic/ Organic Communication

Listening is the one key ingredients of holistic/ organic communication. It involves and embraces all the senses as well as the heart , mind and spirit in reaching out to build a bridge unifying all parties. But, to achieve this goal, get ready to do some hard-core active and totally engaged listening.